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Just trying to make the world a better place...

Silly me: Just trying to make the world a better place…

When I post a provocative or sexy image, I understand that some guys will use it for masturbatory purposes.  I’m not naive.  Indeed, it makes me happy to know that I’m making others happy.

Lots of orgasms should lead to love, world peace, and international understanding, right?

So imagine my dismay when I came across a New York Times story — http://www.nytimes.com/2013/06/16/magazine/can-we-imagine-the-life-of-a-terrorist.html?smid=tw-share — exploring the making of a terrorist:

“Students in a radical religious school would grab images of women…and rush straight to the bathroom to masturbate.  Then, inevitably, they would [feel] they had sinned against God and could only redeem themselves by carrying out a ‘martyrdom operation’ as soon as possible.”

Is the road to other people’s hell paved with my own good intentions?

Rather than burn in hell, must I now burn my wardrobe?  Or better yet: Take all my skinnies, minis, and camis and stitch them into burqas!